CC Tutorials
YouTube Playlist
Wk 1~2
Wk 3
2.1 Data types, mouseX, mouseY (YouTube), Katherine
2.2 User defined variables (YouTube), Katherine
2.3 text() (YouTube),
2.4 random(), mousePressed(), keyPressed() (YouTube), Katherine
Wk 4
3.1 IF, ELSE, ELSE IF (YouTube), Xin
3.1.1 IF / ELSE Example - Make a Drawing Machine (YouTube), Xin
3.2 AND - Create a Hover Button (YouTube), Xin
3.3 Boolean Variable - Create an On / Off Button (YouTube), Xin
3.4 Hour(), Minute(), Second() (YouTube), Xin
3.5 map() (YouTube), Xin
3.6 frameRate(), frameCount, millis() (YouTube), Xin
Wk 5
4.1 Functions: call & define (YouTube), Katherine
4.2 Functions: parameters & arguments (YouTube), Katherine
Wk 6
5.1 for Loop (YouTube), Xin
5.1.1 rotate() + for Loop (YouTube), Xin
5.2 Nested for Loop - Draw a Grid! (YouTube), Xin
5.2.1 Modulo - Make a Checkerboard! (YouTube), Xin
5.2.2 blendMode() + Loops - Anaglyph Illusion (YouTube), Xin
Wk 7
6 Array, Empty Array, Array + for Loop (YouTube), Katherine
Wk 8~11
8.1 Class and Objects (YouTube), Xin Xin
8.2 Array of Objects (YouTube), Xin Xin
7.2 Mouse & Key Inputs - mousePressed(), mouseIsPressed, keyPressed(),
keyIsDown(), keyIsPressed (YouTube), Xin Xin
8.3 Switch Statement - Changing Scenes! (YouTube), Xin Xin
8.4 Class and Objects - Collision Detection (YouTube), Xin Xin
9.1 JavaScript push(), pop(), unshift(), shift() (YouTube), Xin Xin
9.2 JavaScript splice() (YouTube), Xin Xin
8.4.1 Importing Image Assets - Frogger (YouTube), Xin Xin
(optional) 7.1 JavaScript Object and the Dot Operator (YouTube), Xin Xin
Wk 12
6.1 Array (YouTube),
6.2 Pixel Array (YouTube),
Bonus Tutorial: Pixelator (YouTube), Xin
Bonus Tutorial: Pointillist Filter (YouTube), Xin
Wk 14~15
11.1 DOM + Interface Elements (YouTube), Katherine
External p5 Tutorials
Text & Typography
Image Processing
p5 Libraries
Video and Pixels